“I shall see some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness I’ th’ posture of a whore.” Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, V.ii.215

This morning I met Mr John Mottley on the Strand. He was in a black temper. After we had exchanged our good mornings and the intelligence of the day, I asked Mr Mottley why he was so dispirited. He explained that he had lost his contract with the Excise Office and now had to make […]

“When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see” Shakespeare, Sonnet XLIII

My Lords and Gentlemen, As I have previously informed you, it is my intention to write an explication of the Theory of Sleeplessness in a logical and scientifick manner. You will have noted too that no sooner do I embark on my Treatise than new examples of Wokery present themselves to distract me from my […]