“Oft on a plat of rising ground, I hear the far-off curfew sound” Milton, Il Penseroso

My Lords and Gentlemen, I pray that you will forgive me but I must again postpone the commencement of my Treatise.  This morning, I received a letter from Sir Richard Steele who has been staying at his late wife’s house in Carmarthen. The news contained in this missive is such that I consider it should be […]

 ἢν δὲ πολλῷ  οὕτερος ἀγεννέστεροςπροσπίπτων προσκυνέει τὸν ἕτερον. Herodotus, Histories, 1.134

My Lords and Gentlemen, You will recall that in my last essay I recounted a joke told by some men of Upminster about the womenfolk of Essex. I had thought that I had done little more than to record the mores and disrespectful nature of the plebeian element of that countie. On the contrary, I have stirred […]